At The People’s Church we have over 20 ministries to assist in serving God, HIS people and HIS Church. It is our prayer that each member will find a ministry that is the perfect fit for both their spiritual and mental growth.



The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the care and maintenance and security of church properties. They initiate and coordinate the church’s improvement projects to maintain order and proper decorum to be observed throughout God’s house of worship.


The Steward Ministry is led by the Pastor’s Preacher Steward. He/She with the support of the ministry are to see that all necessary provisions are made for the temporal comfort of our Pastor and his/her family. This includes all local, national and global events.

Central Budget

The Central Budget Ministry provides financial fitness for church operations and overview of funds. They prepare the annual budget for approval by the membership. They monitor the income and expenses and provide yearly contribution statements to the Saints.


The Deaconess Ministry is appointed by the Pastor to encourage, foster, and improve the general church through ministry. They are to assist the Pastor with the preparing of the Lord’s Table and the baptizing of the saints. The appointment to deaconess is a consecrated office.

Penny Brigade

This ministry collects funds to help support the mission of the conference. With the assistance of the children of the church, loose change is collected every 4th Sunday.


The Ushers’ Ministry serves as the doorkeepers for God’s house of worship. Our ushers manage the flow of congregation activities during Sunday Services and any other functions as requested by our Pastor. Our ushers also manage the collection of church tithes and offerings and maintain the general organization and upkeep of the sanctuary.


The Music Ministry supports the mission and vision of the church by leading the saints in worship through various creative expressions of praise. Their mission is to prepare God’s people to receive His word. The presence and preparation of music for a worship service experience is biblical, as is the development of a spirit-filled ministry and minister of music.

Brothers of Gideon

Brothers of Gideon is People’s Men’s Ministry in which every male church member is automatically a ministry member. We educate and support each other with individual and collective God-given gifts and talents. We have the opportunity to develop quality relationships among one another and learn to apply the Word of God in every area.

Women of Zion

The Women of Zion ministry seeks to lead women into a personal relationship with Christ. Wherever a woman may be on her spiritual journey, the Women of Zion sisterhood will be a trusted friend; taking her by the hand, walking by her side, and leading her closer to the heart of God. The Women of Zion empowers, cultivates fellowship and sisterly love through various activities that highlight the unique aspects of womanhood.

Culinary Arts

The Culinary Arts Ministry manages the operations and services of the church’s kitchen. This ministry serves meals as requested for church events, meetings, and other church functions like funerals, anniversary celebrations and weddings. It is a very demanding ministry that requires a lot of skills, not only culinary but in people. People skills are an asset that benefits all when excelled.


Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society is the oldest and largest organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church with over 800,000 members. Our mission is to make disciples by promoting growth in the knowledge and understanding of God and His plan.


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The Multimedia Ministry is responsible for the management of the audio and video equipment and services of the church. They are responsible for providing and maintaining recordings of Sunday worship experiences and selected church events as requested. This ministry is also responsible for all publicized announcements, flyers, and social media interactions.


This ministry is responsible for the management of recreational events in the church. They utilize the athletic and recreation arena as an instrument to train, equip, lead, and disciple youth of the church and community to be Ambassadors for the Kingdom. They assist other ministries as requested with athletic activities and the allocation and use of the church’s recreational equipment and gym.


The Community Outreach Ministry partners with various organizations and agencies to address issues that threaten or reduce Syracuse’s and neighboring areas’ ability to sustain a positive thriving community. It provides a means for People’s to remain informed about and participate in activities that promote a safe and healthy living environment.


Church School

Our mission is to provide a setting in which the Church can uniquely reach and teach God’s people of all ages and from all walks of life about the goodness of Jesus Christ. We serve as the “connecting point” for many ministries within the church.

Health & Wellness

The Health and Wellness Ministry provides information to promote awareness of health issues that impact the church’s membership and community at large. Members of the Health Ministry strive to respond with first aid in conjunction with medical emergencies during church services.

Lay Council

The purpose of the Lay Council Ministry is to deepen the spiritual life of the laity; disseminate information, cultivate the denominational loyalty, expand the denomination through education and evangelism, and promote any other interest of the kingdom of God through Peoples Church AMZ.

Class Leaders

Class Leaders are to serve in the capacity of sub-pastors. They function as a pastor does to those members in their class. Class leaders assist the Pastor with New Members Classes, the Right Hand oF Fellowship ceremony, and Super Sundays. Their main concern is how each member of their class “soul is
prospering” which means, are they spiritually growing in the body of Christ.

Intercessory Prayer

The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is committed to teaching and preaching the entire counsel of God without constraint or deterrence, because the Gospel will transform the lives of everyone that receives it. Jesus directs us in John 10:10 “I came so that you can have life and have it more abundantly.” If we receive His word and obey His commandments, this is the promise assured to all who walk unwavering.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Ministry seeks to inform the church in all phases of Church, school, and work. Their work encompasses giving directions to the study of the Bible and developing vital Christian living and effective church membership. This ministry establishes standards and determines curriculum for a comprehensive and unified program of Christian Education.

Need Prayer

Text the word PRAYER to 844-499-2262